Let the sharks live!

April 12, 2018

Last week our company joined ADEX Singapore. This exhibition was especially dedicated to sharks and the arising problem of illegal sharks finning procedure. Many well-known individuals showed up to help people understand that most of sharks are not man-eaters, but victims of brutal and inhumane practice of killing them for their fins.

One of them was Randall Arauz, very famous environmentalist from Costa Rica, who founded the Costa Rican organization PRETOMA in 1997. When he stumbled upon the shark finning issue, he initiated a campaign that catapulted his organization into the international marine conservation arena. He has received prestigious award, such as the Goldman Prize (US, 2010) and Gotherburg Award for Sustainable Development (SE, 2010).

He currently serves as International Marine Conservation Policy Advisor for Fins Attached Marine Research and Conservation.

We were lucky to meet him at our booth and support his researches with our gear (King-of-Kings), which will be used for shark and other fish monitoring activities.

We wish we could support this honorable cause in more ways.

Let the sharks live!

Antonio Lee

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